Kiyomizu Temple Project, Kyoto, Japan, 1997
This 20 minute film, produced by Yasushi Kishimoto, documents a 7 day period at the Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto, Japan, where Borofsky created several paintings using the word 'god' intersecting in four directions. As part of this 7 day performance, a pulsating red ruby - symbolizing the artist's heart - was placed in the garden and Borofsky's Four Gods soundtrack was played continuously in the background. The project was curated by Naomi Togashi of Fia, Inc..
This 20 minute film, produced by Yasushi Kishimoto, documents a 7 day period at the Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto, Japan, where Borofsky created several paintings using the word 'god' intersecting in four directions. As part of this 7 day performance, a pulsating red ruby - symbolizing the artist's heart - was placed in the garden and Borofsky's Four Gods soundtrack was played continuously in the background. The project was curated by Naomi Togashi of Fia, Inc..