
A3 |
Location: Kassel, Germany
Size: 80 FeetThis 80 foot steel
and fiberglass sculpture was first shown at Documenta IX, in Kassel,
Germany, 1990. But, the idea for this sculpture, no doubt reaches back
into my childhood. When I was six years old, I used to sit on my
father's knee, and he would tell me stories about a friendly giant who
lived in the sky. The important thing about this giant was that he did
good things for people. In his stories, my father and I used to go up to
the sky and visit with this friendly giant every day.
For this sculpture, I first carved a
life-size figure in clay (it looks a bit like me) and then it was cast
in fiberglass. The 80 foot steel pole rises up out of the earth at a
60-degree angle.
After the Documenta exhibition, the city
of Kassel bought the sculpture. They asked me where I would like to have
it placed. I suggested a beautiful park site just outside the city on a
mountaintop that overlooked the whole region. I thought it would be a
nice ride for people - to get out of the city and to visit this
beautiful site. However, city officials finally chose to place this
sculpture near the middle of town where it could be seen more often. Of
course I understand this, but what is unfortunate, is when the sculpture
was reinstalled, the foundation bolts and connecting plates were left
visible above ground. As I've already mentioned, the pole and the figure
both were meant to have the feeling of rising up directly and "cleanly"
out of the earth, directly to the sky. These unsightly bolts, as well as
the unattractive decorative triangle of white stones, now at the base of
the pole are an unfortunate addition to the sculpture. Since I did not
go to Kassel for this new installation, it is a good lesson for me to be
very specific about my ideas in the future. |